Inside - A Birth Announcement

This is a video that was shot over the course of months as we anticipated the birth of our second son, Asher. It begins in an apartment in Antwerp, changes to a studio in New York City, then on to our old house in Maplewood, NJ, and finally ends at a house in Pittsburgh where my husband (and his mother before him) grew up. Created by Stephanie and George Lange.

Welcome - A Birth Announcement

As we waited for our first son, Jackson, my husband George and I began to document my growing belly with the idea that the pictures would eventually serve as a birth announcement. We included other family members - my Dad, George's Mom, my Mom - and eventually baby Jackson joined us and we welcomed him to this world. Created by Stephanie and George Lange

03.01.10 A Birthday Video

I usually document my birthday in some way, usually running around taking pictures with George while I hold a sign with my birthdate on it. One year we ran into Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Central Park while the Gates project was still up (and I got a picture with both of them AND my birthday sign!) On 03.10.01, we took it a bit farther and made a little video.  Hope you enjoy. Created by Stephanie and George Lange.